
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Trying to be nice

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is the Golden Rule.  But is it still the golden rule of running?  Today I was trotting along on the back stretch of three miles, panting heavily after doing a bit of an interval push.  By and large, half-marathoners in training are supposed to be pacing themselves by running fast enough to improve, but slow enough that they can still talk.  I follow this dictum most of the time, except on short run days when I work on my cardio-vascular fitness by pushing myself hard for short intervals.  Towards the end of one of those intense interval sessions this morning, a big SUV pulled beside me, slowed, and rolled down the window.  Fortunately I run in a pretty safe neighborhood, but even so, I am always cautious.  My hand slipped to the mace in my pocket, and I kept jogging forward, in large part because I wanted to give the impression that I was actively involved in pursuit of a specific time, and not inclined to stop for a chat.  The truth was I didn't think I could speak at that moment even if I wanted to because I was too busy trying to replenish my oxygen.

A large man said, "Hey Miss!"  (Okay, he gets points for the "MIss".)  I briefly looked his way.  C'mon!  I was drenched in sweat, and obviously working very hard.  "Miss, can you tell me where the park is?"

You have to be kidding me!  There is NO WAY someone could drive down that road and miss the park.  I pointed in the direction he had just come from.  He said, "We just came from there."  Still running, I pointed again, and barked, "PARK."  He started arguing with me, "We were just there, and didn't see a park."  I generally never lack for words, but this really wasn't a good time for a conversation.  I simply said, "Try.. .. a- .. .. gain .. ."  The guy looked at me like I was the meanest person he'd ever met, stepped on the gas, turned his SUV around at the next wide spot in the road, and sped past me like he knew where he was going.

I've thought about this several times throughout the day and wondered what I really should have done. Who really was the rude one in this interaction?  I obviously was busy doing my own business, and having to stop to answer a question that the man should have been able to figure out easily on his own caused me some distress and irritation, not to mention slowed me down..  On the other hand, I've had to ask for directions many times myself because I've missed a sign or wasn't paying enough attention. I do know that I will make a big effort in the future to never stop and ask runners to break their pace just so I can ask a question I should be able to answer myself, a personal golden rule.
Até amanhã... 
8/9/11 - 3.3 miles | 37 mins | 5.2 mph | 352 kcal 

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