
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The best week ever!

Seeing yourself finish the race on the Big Screen at the Big House
What does it take to have the very best week ever?

  • Extraordinary weather:  temperatures in in the 70's, twenty degrees warmer than usual, and no rain for the last week
  • Hometown football teams undefeated:  Wolverines 6 - 0!  Lions 5 - 0!
  • Lining up on race day
    15,000 runners in the stadium
  • Hometown baseball team on the way to the world series:  Ooops ... those darned Texans are interfering with the plan, but the Tigers are back on home turf in Detroit tonight ...  

Better stop while I'm ahead and concentrate on all the great things happening that are withIN my control!

I concluded my 2011 running season on Sunday to the sound of Hail to the Victors by running through the University of Michigan Big House tunnel to see myself on the jumbo-tron screen.  What a rush!  As one of the 15,000 people who ran the Big House/Big Heart race through the streets of Ann Arbor on Sunday morning I felt like I was conquering Ann Arbor the same as I did when I received my degree at Crisler Arena (I'll leave you to guess how long ago).  I didn't run the 10k as fast as I have in the past, but I did enjoy the crowd, scenery, and ambiance as a fine celebration of a successful running season.

Anticipation at the Detroit Wheel House early Saturday
St. Andrew's Hall, Detroit
I also participated in a wonderful bike tour on Saturday with Detroit Synergy.  We rode through the streets of Detroit with guides who recounted the history of several of Detroit's historic music venues, including St. Andrew's Hall and more than a few bars in Hamtramck.  The spirit of Detroit was abundant everywhere.  The Riverwalk was crowded with walkers, joggers, and bikers enjoying a glorious day.  Eastern Market was wall-to-wall with folks enjoying the fruits of a bountiful autumn harvest, and I enjoyed a bag of yummy warm Amish molasses cookies.  The Detroit Institute of Arts has placed numerous paintings around town outside, juxtaposed with street art, providing a bountiful visual surprise in the most unexpected places. I can't wait for the next opportunity to experience Michigan's prime city from the pavement up.

Art on the Dequindre Cut
Now I'm moving on to preparation for 2012's running endeavors.  My legs and ligaments will rest until spring while I build a different set of muscles.  I won't be running regularly again until February, when I will begin training for the Indianapolis Half Marathon on May 5th, and the Detroit Marathon next fall.  In the meantime I'm working on weight training over the winter, along with other non-percussive exercise including bike riding and cross-country skiing.  Judging by my sore arm muscles today, it's a good thing I started my weights yesterday.

I'm also taking time off from regular blogging until spring running training begins.  I will be concentrating on other writing projects while lifting weights over the winter, so will only post periodic updates about fun events and when my favorite teams win championships (!).  But spring is not that far away, and I'm actively anticipating new cool adventures to do and share.  Want to joint me?  Whatever you choose to do to stay fit and active, let's be ready to run for our dreams and reach our goals in 2012!

Até LOGO... 

10/5/11 - 3.2 miles | 33 min | 5.8 mph | 352 kcal 
10/6/11 - 2.0 miles | 19 min | 6.0 mph | 210 kcal
10/7/11 - 4.0 miles | 44 min | 5.4 mph | 438 kcal

Detroit Synergy Rock 'n Roll Bike Ride + Eastern Market
10/8/11 - 21.0 miles | 200 min | 6.3 mph | 829 kcal

Big House/Big Heart 10k results
10/9/11 - 6.2 miles | 67 min | 5.6 mph | 655 kcal

Total miles run in 2011

356.7 miles run in 70 hours, averaging 5.1 miles/hour, expending 39001 calories 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Attention Michiganders! Mark this day! DeTroit TOUGH!

To all my fellow Michiganders, do you recognize the photo to the left??  It is 100% pure blue Michigan sky, on a 100% pure cloudless Michigan day!  This rare phenomenon is enough to cause comment in the streets... but wait!  There's more!

The Wolverines are 5 - 0!  Hail to the Victors Valiant!!  Yeah!!  Well, okay, it's been a while, but since UM is the winning-est team in college football, after all, it has happened a few times before in history that the sun was shining and the Wolverines were 5 - 0... but wait!!  There's more!!

THE LIONS ARE STILL HUNGRY, 4 - 0 WINS LATER!!!  If you're incredulous, Believe!  Detroit Does!  Just ask the folks at Sports Illustrated, who put the worthy Silver/Blue cats on the front cover of the latest issue!  When is the last time Detroit was 4 - 0?  Well, it wasn't since well before just 3 years ago, in 2008, when Detroit topped the chart as the loosing-est team in history, at 0 -16 for the season.  How incredible is this:  the sky is cloudlessly blue, the Wolverines are undefeated, the Lions are undefeated... but wait!!!  There's more!!!

The Tigers ace Verlander outlasted the Yanks Sabathia to put us one game away from clinching the ALCS !!!!  !!!!  !!!! (Can I emphasize that even more?!!!!)  Oh yes,

  1. The sky is cloudlessly blue.
  2. The Wolverines are undefeated. 
  3. The Lions are undefeated. 
  4. The Tigers are on top!!!!

Michiganders, this is indeed a day so rare that I am not sure it has ever been quite this good in all of history.  I realize that all could change with a wisp of a cloud, the crack of a bat or the pass of a ball.  We need to remember these great moments today so that when they pass, as all things do, we keep going, even after a week of non-stop rain, a year of Rich Rodriquez, a lifetime of Lion droppings, and some long-gone Tigers seasons, as Ernie always said.  We're built DeTroit-TOUGH!

Até LOGO... 
10/4/11 - 2.0 miles | 18 min | 6.0 mph | 205 kcal 

Monday, October 3, 2011

A beautiful day!

Next year --- DETROIT!
OOooo, it was cold and dark yesterday at 4:00 AM, when I had to get up to head to Oakland University with the hopes of ensuring a parking spot.  Arriving at 6:45 AM, the lot was already starting to fill, but fortunately the wait for the shuttle was only momentary.  It was 37 degrees, and all I really wanted was a hot cup of coffee.  I had on shorts and sweat pants, two long sleeved shirts, two sweatshirts, a jacket, gloves, and two headbands, and I was still cold.  I was seriously wondering how I was going to run the race wearing all these clothes, but I wasn't ready to give up any layers for fear of hypothermia.  I wasn't the only one.  I saw people wearing everything from multiple garbage bags to surgical sterile suits they could strip off and discard mid-race.  What I great idea for next time!  I stayed toasty for a time in the awards tent, which was jam-packed with other runners doing the same thing.  The energy in the air was contagious, helped along by loudspeakers playing some great music to guarantee a beautiful day.  I waited until the last minute to take off all but the most necessary layers and get into the queue... just to find out that the traffic was so bad that the start of the race had been delayed 15 minutes.  Ugh!  How to stay warm??!!

Doing a teeth-chattering warm-dance
waiting for the race to begin
I tucked myself in between the 10 minute and 11 minute mile flags, perhaps a bit optimistically, but was chilly enough that with 4500 or so participants I wanted to be as far up front as possible so that I could cut down the wait to get moving.  When the race began it took about 3 minutes before I went through the start gate, and was able to begin running.  I set a moderate pace, determined to not be affected by the cold runners around me to go too fast at the beginning and run out of steam for the famous Teinken Road incline. First mile 10:30... good.  Feeling great!  Second mile 10:47... excellent!  I went under the 1/2 way split checker at 1 hour 11 minutes... stellar!  I felt great, could go faster, but the runners' rumors of that nasty Tienken climb made me hold back.  It was also important to be aware of all the usual road hazards, including some major Michigan potholes, water cups dropped after drink stations, and numerous gloves, hats, shirts, and warm-ups of all descriptions that had been discarded after runners were warm. I also found it hard to constantly break rhythm to give hi-5's to well-wishers, so when I saw them coming I headed to the opposite side of the road, preferring to smile than loose arm momentum.

Collecting my warming foil and
medal at the finish line
Running for 2 1/2 hours straight can become monotonous, so the organizers provided  entertainment along the way.  There were some great bands playing a variety of music at various spots, and many organizations giving runners water and encouragement.  The other runners themselves were at once supportive and entertaining.  Many of the runners were in groups, chatting freely about the most amusing of subjects. Many participants wore inspirational shirts, and one carried a full size US Marines flag the entire distance.  I was occasionally distracted in my pace by the sound of heavy footsteps closing in behind me.  At one point the pounding was so heavy that I had to turn and look.  It wasn't the sound of feet on pavement that I heard.  I was surprised to see 59 year old local favorite Riley McLincha running while alternating dribbling and juggling three basketballs, at a 9:30 mile pace!

The time went fast, and before long I was at the 12 mile mark, turning the corner past the old Jacobson's store I had helped open many years ago... and on to the finish line!  I passed through the gate at 2 hours, 34 minutes, 47 seconds, #77/124 in my age/gender group.  I beat the my personal time from 3 weeks ago by 3 minutes, and am very happy with the results of my summer's hobby. :)  You may be wondering how I celebrated. As I had expended enough calories for the day there could be no better time to stop at Dexter Cider Mill for my annual one dozen steaming warm doughnuts and fresh-pressed cider -- this time all guilt-free! Then I napped the rest of the evening.  :)

Post-race recovery has gone well, aided by many hours of extra sleep and the best sugar/cinnamon hotcakes in the midwest. I didn't run today, but will hit the trail tomorrow to stay fit for this weekend's 10k at the Big House.  After that?  We'll see what comes next, but let's just say that Detroit 26.2 2012 is in the forefront of my mind.
Até logo... 
10/2/11 - 13.1 miles | 154 min | 5.1 mph | 1385 kcal 

gotta run... 13.1 miles 'cause i'm only half crazy!

Today was my last run before the race.  Tomorrow I have a big job:  rest (ie, no running), and eat a lot of carbohydrates.  Whew!  Can I handle it?  To be honest, I have a few butterflies about what will happen on Sunday.  Will it be too cold outside?  ...  Will I get a leg cramp? ...   Will I be able to stay sufficiently hydrated, but not too much, given that I will need to stand at the start line for a long time? ... Will I be able to find a place to park? ... How many layers should I wear, and how will I carry everything when I take the layers off?

I can ease my mind with this:   I am about as ready physically as I can be, given a 3 month preparation time.  I followed the plan set out in the Absolute Beginner's Guide to Half-Marathon Training. Since June 12th, I spent a little more than 65.3 hours to run 326.3 miles, expending 35,760 calories.  My average rate increased from 4.3 mph to almost 6 mph.  Was it worth it?  Whatever happens on Sunday, oh YES!  I have taken running to heart -- physically, and mentally.  Improved fitness accompanied by 65 hours of superb think-time... this venture is worth every drop of sweat.

Wish me luck on Sunday.  Hey, gotta run... 13.1 miles 'cause I'm only half crazy!

Até amanhã... 
9/30/11 - 2.0 miles | 18 min | 6.3 mph | 211 kcal