Exactly five weeks ago I returned from the junket to New Orleans and the beignet bakeries, among a few thousand other calorific establishments. On the trip home I decided that physical action other than lifting food to mouth was required. I had always wanted to run a marathon, but the knees! The time!! the SWEAT!!! Yet... since high school the siren call of "you CAN do this" has always been in the back of my mind. A marathon? Well, perhaps not this year. A half-marathon?? Doable. Do it! I told myself that I would make myself run a minimum of 2 miles per day for six weeks in a row. After that, if I was falling apart at the seams, and the world were ending, I would allow myself to quit this idea and move on to other things. Today, weeks after making that decision, I report on my progress.
The first day I ran, June 12th, I started out "running" by defining it as the slowest I could possibly go and still call it, technically speaking, RUNNING. I made it through the two miles I designated as my primary course, didn't faint, and recorded running 1.9 miles in 26 minutes, 4.3 miles/hour. Given that I survived the first run, I headed out on day #2. And #3. And every single following day in June. I logged 39 miles and 4552 kcal burned in the month of June. Better yet, I increased my stamina from 4.3 mph to 4.8 mph, 12%!
Today was hot, buggy, and I wasn't much in the mood. But I said I'd do it, so the sneakered up, and out I went. I'm happy to report my best time so far: 2.0 miles in 22 minutes, for 213 kcal burned, and most importantly, I ran 5.5 mph. In five weeks I've improved my speed by 28%!
I can't guarantee that I can improve this much every month. But I can guarantee that improving ones health and stamina, and then maintaining it, is a wonderful benefit not only to one's running hobby, but to one'e whole life. Hurray!
Até amanhã...
7/10/11 - 2.0 miles | 22 mins | 5.5 mph | 213 kcal
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