Rise and Shine!
The heat wave of the year is on. I've never been much of a fan of air conditioning, preferring the cool gentle breeze of the night. The operative word is cool, something that was completely missing during the wee hours of this past madrugada. I'd like to tell you that I rose at 6:30 AM due to my well-rested sunny disposition making me chipper and cheerful to jump up and attack the trails. Nope. Really, it was the oppressive heat and tired whir of the fan that caused me to roll over looking for a cool spot for the upteenth time. I finally decided I'd better get up and get my run out of the way before the risk of heatstroke overtakes the benefit of exercising. Alas! I may actually need to use the air conditioning today. As of 8:19 AM the thermometer by my desk already reads 86 degrees, and the humidity 80%. Oh yes, I made the right choice to get the run in early this morning.
Alison and I were discussing what running means to us, the time and effort spent versus the benefit. We absolutely agree: no pain, no gain; running gain is worth every bit of running pain. Each morning there are one plus a few more dozen other reasons passing through my mind about why I don't want to get out of the door and do this. And every morning I am so happy I did. The knowledge that I can run and that I am able to overcome my inner objections to meet this and other challenges that I face, starts in the morning when I run. I know that I have what it takes to do what needs to be done.
And so, rise and shine! You will be glad you did.
Até amanhã...
7/20/11 - 2.0 miles | 24 mins | 4.9 mph | 218 kcal
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