It was already 75 degrees by 9 am this morning, so I knew I had to hit the trail before the temperature hit the 90's. I began my run with a reverie on how I got to exactly this place in time. I immediately remembered the final straw on my camel-like back:
What is a beignet, you ask, if you're not a cajun afficiando? Or, if you are, what does that have to do with battling deer flies on a hot Sunday morning in Michigan when the saner folks are still sleeping soundly in their air conditioned homes?
Beignets are deep-fried fat-filled fritters topped with buckets of powdered sugar, made famous at Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans. I visited Cafe Du Monde at the beginning of June with a good friend while in New Orleans for a conference. I amazed my daughter, who loves New Orleans, by telling her the quantity of beignets I was able to consume in one sitting, and still desire more. (NO, I won't divulge that secret in public!) These little delicacies are famous for the powdered mess they make when you eat them. You literally wear the remnants, especially on a windy day, advertising to the world your French Quarter debauche de l'instant. My friend declined to share a beignet with me while we were there, especially since she had a black blouse. I had on white, however, and thus exhibited no such compunction. These little tidbits have a whopping 527 calories per serving, and I ate quite a number of them. :)
Needless to say, I returned from New Orleans with a resolve I literally haven't had in a decade, to get in shape, stay in shape, BE in shape. Why? Well... the next time there's a beignet shop on the corner I want to be in shape to take advantage of the opportunity! See you at Cafe Du Monde right after we finish our half-marathon.
Até amanhã...
7/3/11 - 2.0 miles | 24 mins | 4.9 mph | 222 kcal
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