
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thwarted again.

Some days just don't go as you planned.  In fact, this whole week has been rather like that.  Busy, busy, busy ... finishing projects, work, obligations, meetings, visiting friends and relatives, new endeavors, bad weather ... ... WHEN can I fit in the 11 miles I have been scheduling myself to run since last Friday??   That question has been wearing on me for the last several days. In theory the 11 miles should take just a little over 2 hours, if I can maintain a decent pace.  I also have to take into account that when I run for 2 or more hours I have to be careful about what I plan to do after, knowing that I will need a couple of hours post-run to recover and relax sore muscles.

I decided this evening to try to fit in the run after work, before it got too dark.  I set out just after 6 PM, made it 2.1 miles into the wooded area of my preferred distance course, and jumped out of my skin when I rounded the bend and ran into a gaggle of turkeys.  Turkeys are not like turkey buzzards.  Turkey buzzards leave living creatures alone.  Turkeys, on the other hand, are bigger than their buzzard relatives, and can be downright mean, a fact I once learned the hard way from a neighbor who used to raise 100 at a time. I'm not sure if these were wild birds or someone's free range hobby, but I took off in the same direction I came from, while the gobblers went the other way.

That was it for me running this evening, though.  I just stopped, not the turkeys' fault, just too late to finish this tonight.  Those 11 miles that I can't stop thinking about, or at least the remaining 8.9, will have to wait for another day.

Até amanhã... 
9/15/11 - 2.1 miles | 23 min | 5.5 mph | 230 kcal

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