
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Falling from above

I managed to get two runs in today, the first with rain falling on my head, and the second dodging acorns, walnuts, and leafy branches as the cool front blew in.  I have an old friend who used to relay stories about the dangers of falling coconuts in tropical regions.  We would laugh, because death by coconut might be high on the list of Darwin events, but not likely to happen in the US midwest.  In fact, however, the dangers of having things falling from above are actually more prevalent in Michigan than you might think. Walnuts are currently my nemesis. My running route is filled with black walnut trees, and I've had a few close calls when some of the nuts have plummeted perilously close to me.  They hurt when they hit, they make a black mess on my shoes, and I have to dodge them on the ground to avoid twisting an ankle.  Hmmm... I wonder what my neighbors would think if they saw me running with a helmet?
Até amanhã... 
9/26/11 - 3.3 miles | 33 min | 5.8 mph | 355 kcal 

9/26/11 - 2.0 miles | 17 min | 6.2 mph | 200 kcal 

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