
Friday, March 23, 2012

40 degrees warmer than usual

According to some meteorologists, temperatures in Michigan are averaging *40 degrees* warmer than usual.  No wonder we all can't wait to get outside to run at the end of a day's work. Here's the downside:  According to MSU Asst. Entomology Professor Matthew Grieshop, the last time this happened, in the 1940's, there was no appreciable fall fruit crop in our fine state of Michigan.  Many varieties of fruit need a spat of cool weather in the spring to fully develop throughout the summer and fall.  Also, we are far from out of the woods regarding frosts.  If the temperatures plummeted tomorrow to their normal range, all those beautiful buds we are enjoying now would shrivel, and most would likely not re-bud.

Of course, there's not much we can do about most of this, except enjoy what we have today.  It's warm, nice, beautiful running weather, so let's take advantage of it, while we wait for the proverbial other shoe to fall.

3/23/12 - 2.0 miles | 21 min | 5.4 mph | 217 kcal

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