
Monday, August 22, 2011

Way of life

Ayrton Senna
Part of the attraction to running is pushing yourself a little farther while learning how far is exactly the optimal amount.  There is an immediate feedback mechanism as you balance all the input from each part of your body:  the sound of your lungs, the pumping of your heart, your feet pounding the ground, your arms swinging in sync to make you go farther.  It is absolutely physical, and very much mental.  When you near your peak performance your mind and your body are all focused to overcome smaller constraints and pains to achieve the next step and ultimately reach the end of the course.  

Yesterday I had the chance to watch the powerful documentary about the great Brazilian Formula One driver, Ayrton Senna.  He overcome obstacles, controversy, and occasional personal doubts to become the world's fastest man on wheels.  His international success engendered intense national pride at a time when his homeland was in a state of discord.  His untimely death marked the rebirth of hope and unity for the largest country in South America.  

Aryton Senna had extraoardinary talents that he honed to the utmost to achieve his greatness.  Most of the rest of us will never acquire his level of acclaim, yet we all can benefit from using his method for self improvement.  In his own words:

"I continuously go further and further learning about my own limitations, my body limitation, psychological limitations.  It's a way of life for me."
Até amanhã... 
8/22/11 - 2.0 miles | 20 mins | 5.7 mph | 217 kcal

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